Folk Project Open Stage – August 2021

Join us for our Featured Stayaway Event: Folk Project Open Stage Click here for live show 08/13/2021, 7:30pm

The Folk Project Open Stage, North Jersey’s premier open stage, is back with an online reboot the second Friday of every month. Just like in the old, live days, the Open Stage begins with a featured performance by a member artist. That’s followed by two-song sign-up slots by some extraordinary artists. It’s a great show for the audience and performers alike.

This month everybody get two songs or ten minutes – whichever is less.

To sign up in advance and perform on the main stage, email Chairman Todd: . To perform in our beloved Terrace Room round robin led by Scotty and Glenn, just show up and join in. gins with a featured set by a performer from our Folk Project community.

Main Stage Performers, take note: A special feature that makes The Folk Project Open Stage great over the internet is the sound check. Before your performance, you’ll be directed to a special Zoom room for a sound check.

It’s an honor and joy to bring back this special part of our community, and I invite you all to join us at

—Sincerely, Todd Dennison, Chairman

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